The Citizens’ Agenda Singapore 2022


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The Citizens’ Agenda Singapore

Your voice and concerns matter. Let us hear them. 

Photo by Rogan Yeoh

As a movement for democracy, we want to find out what the people of Singapore care about

The mainstream media tends to cover elections in Singapore in a really trivial way. This approach alienates people who want to have a real discussion about the issues. It treats citizens as passive participants in the electoral process. Citizens deserve better. 

Participate in The Citizens’ Agenda and tell us what issues do you consider important to Singapore!

Read our reports:

Guide our coverage

Your concerns can help guide our coverage and we want you to learn more about them. New Naratif will produce articles shaped by these issues across all of our formats so that you can make informed decisions for the 2025 General Elections. 

Join our Democracy Classrooms

New Naratif’s Democracy Classroom is a space to articulate thoughts that you might not have had the opportunity to voice before. Join in on discussions around the important issues facing Singapore and be politically engaged. 

Rank the most important issues

In stage 2, we share the top issues that emerged from our surveys and ask people in Singapore to pick and rank the 5 most important issues facing the country. Cast your vote and shape the future! 

Stay engaged

Invite your friends and family to respond to our public survey. Be the first to learn of upcoming democracy classrooms and receive curated reading lists in preparation for the next General Election by signing up for our weekly newsletter. 

What were your concerns in 2019? 

You told us about the issues that concern you back in 2019.
How do you think Singapore has fared since then?

What will be done to end discrimination against racial minorities in housing and employment?

Nabilah Husna

Communications Officer

How can we survive impending climate crises such as rising sea levels and increased heat stress?

Yew Leong


What would an evidence-based, ethical, humane, and effective drugs policy look like?

Shaik Syasya

Web designer

Issues that matter to the people. Rights to jobs, cheaper goods and services including medical, racial equality, and LGBTQ rights.

Saroja Dorairajoo

Senior Lecturer, NUS

How can citizens and the government create transparency in our governance to create a truly progressive country?

Rachel Loh

Photographer & Art Director

What principles should govern your policy on freedoms of press, expression, and information?

Isabelle Lim


Learn how we ran The Citizen’s Agenda 2019:

Be a part of The Citizens’ Agenda

New Naratif is the antidote to the common question “So much is wrong with Singapore, what can I do?” ​​We believe that we help build a better country, so we provide information that not only brings problems to your attention but also brings people together through our community engagement and civic participation activities for seeking collective solutions. 

Using The Citizens’ Agenda, we will help ensure that the election coverage focuses on the issues that you, our community, care about. Here’s how The Singapore Citizens’ Agenda works: 

Stage 1: Take the Survey

We use an online survey platform to ask 250,000 people in Singapore: In your opinion, what issues do you consider important to Singapore? What do you think the candidates should be talking about as they compete for your votes in the next general elections? Using this platform means we are able to get responses from people from underrepresented ethnicities, states, and genders. 

At the same time, we also want to hear from our New Naratif community. We ask them the same question on our social media and invite them to participate in the public survey. 

We then separately analyse and produce a list of responses from both groups.

Stage 2: Rank the Most Important Issues

We share the top issues that emerged from our surveys and ask people in Singapore to pick and rank the 5 most important issues facing their respective countries.

Stage 3: Understand the Issues

We publish our findings from both surveys: Singapore and Malaysia. We also commission and produce articles, podcasts, and explainers in order to help people better understand these issues. 

Stage 4: Participate in Democracy Classrooms 

We use our findings and resources to create a series of Democracy Classrooms to educate and empower our community to take action for the next elections. 

Express your thoughts. Shape the future.